Elegance Mebel

The present provides countless opportunities to be different and stand out from the rest. One of them is related to the furnishing of the home and workplace. Your individual style can turn these spaces into a mirror of your character, providing a comfort you wouldn’t experience anywhere else.

To make your personal style stand out, however, you need to step out of your comfort zone and let your imagination run wild. The only way to find a piece of yourself in your home or office is through custom furniture making. With them, you have the chance to create a furnishing entirely of your own design that will fully meet your expectations and that you can rely on for a long time.

In this article, we’ll turn our attention to bespoke furniture, discussing the planning process as well as the materials they can be made from.


custom made kitchen

Custom furniture making is a serious task that requires careful thought and planning. Furnishings, no matter what the space, should be both beautiful and functional. If it’s done well, it will be a part of your home or office for years to come and will make your daily life much easier. Before your furniture is manufactured, however, you need to take the time to clarify your idea, as well as think about the design and materials that will be used.

Discussion of the idea

In order to plan the process properly, it is necessary to be clear about your budget and desires. These should be discussed with the company you have chosen to create the furnishings so that you are presented with options to make the project happen.


Furniture making requires special precision. Their design should be tailored to both the space you have and your needs and preferences.

Good custom furniture companies create 3D renderings. With their help, the client is able to get a real idea of the final look of the room. These sketches provide an opportunity for detailed discussion leading to a satisfactory final outcome.


The materials used to make furniture are essential to the quality, appearance and functionality of the furniture. They have different characteristics that you should consider to make an informed decision.

One of the main factors determining the value of custom furniture is the material it is made of. It is important to remember, however, that furniture is a long-term investment, and high-quality materials guarantee a longer life if they are cared for properly. Often the cheap turns out to be more expensive, and this applies with full force to furniture. If the materials are not good enough, it may need to be replaced earlier than planned, putting extra strain on your budget.

Solid wood furniture

Furniture made of solid wood is a classic. Their presence gives new life to any room, creating an incredible feeling of luxury and comfort.

Solid wood furniture allows you to unleash your imagination to the maximum. With it, interesting looks can be achieved that catch the eye and be remembered for a long time.

Solid wood is an extremely strong material, well known for its durability. It can be beech, oak, chamomile, ash or cherry, each type of wood giving an irreplaceable sense of elegance. Naturally, the use of this material for the production of furniture increases the price of the final product, but it fully corresponds to the quality you get.

Chipboard furniture

Chipboard, also known as particle board, is a material that is being used more and more frequently. It is pressed wood particles glued together by means of resin.

Furniture made from chipboard can fit perfectly in your home as well as in your workplace. They are budget-friendly and require little maintenance, making them a frequent and preferred choice of many customers.

Of course, particleboard has some downsides that you should be aware of before you opt for it. It is known for its not so good strength. This can become a problem if the furniture in question is overloaded. In addition, particleboard furniture is not suitable for places with high humidity, so it is advisable not to go for it if you need furniture for such a room.

MDF furniture

MDF allows enormous freedom of operation. It is a higher grade material than particleboard and outperforms it in strength and durability. Thanks to its smooth surface, it can be machined and milled, as well as painted or veneered.

Compared to particleboard, MDF has a higher moisture resistance. This further increases its price, which sometimes reaches that of solid wood.

Precision in the manufacture of custom furniture

Custom furniture - living room section

Custom furniture making is an exciting process that gives you the opportunity to bring even your wildest ideas to life. However, this only applies if you have trusted a company that knows how to work with care and rigour.

Производството на обзавеждане е трудна задача, с която могат да се захванат единствено професионалисти с дълъг опит в тази сфера. В противен случай рискувате да платите немалка сума пари за нещо, което да не удовлетвори очакванията ви и да ви разочарова. Именно затова е важно да се насочите към фирма, която използва най-висок клас инсталации и машини за изработката на мебели за дома и офиса.


Custom furniture gives you a great opportunity to create a space that brings you peace and comfort. It is especially important to find a piece of yourself in the furnishing of your home or office, because that way the time spent there will be far more enjoyable.

Ние, от “Елеганс Мебел”, сме професионалисти, чиято прецизност личи във всеки детайл на изработените от нас мебели. Свържете се с нас, за да обсъдим визията ви за обзавеждането на вашия дом или офис и да я реализираме!